Lavender 38/40 (Lavandula angustifolia) 100% Pure Essential Oil – Therapeutic & Cosmetic Grade
Lavender 38/40 (Lavandula angustifolia) 100% Pure Essential Oil – Therapeutic & Cosmetic Grade
Name: Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Method : Steam distillation
Note Classification : Middle
Scent : Sweet, floral, herbaceous
Colour : Pale yellow or colourless
Species : Lavandula angustifolia.
Family: Lamiaceae ( Labiatae )
Extracted From : Fresh flowers of the lavender plant.
Region: France.
By-products: Floralwater (Hydrolats), pot pourri
Historical: Lavender has a long tradition as a folk remedy. The Romans used lavender in preparation for childbirth. Floors strewn with lavender were thought to ward off the plague. In folklore, pillows were filled with lavender flowers to help the restless fall sleep. There is now scientific evidence to suggest that aromatherapy with lavender may slow the activity of the nervous system, improves sleep quality, promote relaxation, and lift mood in people suffering from sleep disorders. Studies also suggest that massage with essential oils, particularly lavender, may result in improved sleep quality, more stable mood, increased mental capacity, and reduced anxiety.
Of Interest: Lavender most likely earned this name because it was frequently used in baths to help purify the body and spirit. However, this herb is also considered a natural remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to depression and mood disturbances. Research has confirmed that lavender produces calming, soothing, and sedative effects.
Aromatherapy Properties: Lavender is the most universal of all essential oils.
Lavender can be used undiluted on small areas of skin.
Lavender can help with migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress and stress related conditions, pmt, sciatica, shock, vertigo. Aches and pains including sore muscles, tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago.
Respiratory problems including throat infections, flu, cough, cold, catarrh, halitosis, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. The oil is either used in the form of vapor or applied on the skin of neck, chest and back.
It can be used to treat various skin disorders such as acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, dermatitis, allergic conditions, athlete’s foot, boils,sores, spots, and other inflammations. It helps heal wounds, cuts, burns, insect bites and stings, and sunburns rapidly as it aids in the formation of scar tissues. Lavender oil is added to chamomile to help treat eczema.
The oil also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile and thus aids in treating abdominal cramps, dyspepsia, nausea, indigestion, colic, flatulence, and vomiting.
Blends Well With: Clary sage, patchouli, pine, rosemary and citrus oils
Safety Data: Non-toxic. Lavender can be used undiluted on small areas of skin.
Essential oils are used for blending with carrier base oils to make special blends for massaging the body.
By adding different essential oils to the base carrier oil this then during massage carries the essential oils into the body.
So when mixing essential oil from a recipe please do not add more than recommended for one massage and if the skin is dry and you need more oil just add more carrier base oil not more essential oil.
Essential oils could be used in the bath, in cream, lotion, bath oil, bath salts, bath bombs,
oil burners, inhalers, hot & cold compresses, perfume, soap & candle-making.
Always keep your oils out of the reach of children, in a safe cool dark place and keep as you would any medicines
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